UX Speakeasy Board Member & Local Leaders

Job Description

This is the Local Leader job offer. It describes the responsibilities, advantages, and questions for the to-be local leader.

The Job Description is adapted from our parent organization IxDA. In addition to the IxDA job description, we’ve added more specific participation expectations (in italic).

The Job

Leadership Team Responsibilities

● IxDA local leaders work as a team of co-leaders who share responsibility and take turns on event planning and execution.

● Work with co-leaders to program and host 6-12 design-focused events per year

● Plan events ranging from casual socials to featured- and multi-speaker events

● Personally take the lead or co-lead on organizing at least two events per year

● Support co-leaders on their event planning and attend events. A local leader cannot miss more than 3 events and 3 board meetings per year and the absences need to be notified to #board Slack channel before hand.

● Partner with and support other design organizations on their events

● Build and maintain relationships with corporate sponsors and venue providers

Depending on your board role, you may also:

● Recruit and/or coordinate volunteers for event support

● Collaborate and knowledge share with IxDA global, regional coordinators, and other chapters

● Co-manage our Facebook, Twitter, Eventbrite, and other accounts

● Budget management

● Leadership succession planning


This is a strictly a volunteer position with no monetary compensation, but it has many benefits.

● Bringing design content that interests you to the huge design community in

our area

● Increasing your exposure and visibility as a design leader

● Being part of a supportive community of fellow IxDA Local Leaders around

the world

● Partnering with other design orgs in the area on annual events, including

World Interaction Design Day

● Growing your network of fellow practitioners, speakers, and corporate and educational institutions

● A big discount on the annual global IxDA Interaction Week conference

Must Haves

● Must work close by, preferably in our city.

● Commitment to at least a one-year active involvement tenure, preferably two years

● Great written and verbal communication skills

● Passion for design and community-building

Nice to haves

● Experience with social media marketing and/or promotions

● Experience with managing a budget for a small organization

Join Our Mission
